Everything We Know So Far from Deadpool Movie

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Not long ago Deadpool fans has been shocked by an announcement that Deadpool will finally be heading to the big screen. But there's a lot of facts and rumours that spreading across the whole internet universe about this Merc with a Mouth movie.

So let's take a look what's the true facts and what's the fans speculations. Bear in mind, the reliability's going to get lower the further down the page you go.

1. Deadpool Movie is Really Happening
Deadpool Movie is On the Way
On Thursday, September 18th 2014, Twentieth Century Fox announced that the movie will hit theaters Feb. 12, 2016.

2. Tim Miller Confirmed to Direct Deadpool Movie
Tim Miller
Originally a VFX artist that hired back in 2011, Tim Miller has the right to helm this Merc with a Mouth movie.

3. Deadpool Test Footage Leaked
Months ago less than two minutes of CGI test footage was leaked. It's based on Rhett Reese and Paul Wernicke's screenplay. It shows Reynolds wise-cracking, breaking the fourth wall, before dispatching some bad guys in the way Deadpool only can and it's fantastic.

4. Deadpool screenplay has been reworked as PG-13?
PG-13 Deadpool
It has been rumored (or revealed?) that deadpool screenplay was reworked into a PG-13 as a condition by Fox of bringing the movie to the screen. But after the news broke, screenwriter Rhett Reese said on twitter that no one knows yet whether Deadpool will be R or PG-13 and here may not be an announcement for a long while.

5. Ryan Reynolds will Star in the Movie as Deadpool
Ryan Reynolds Mocapping Deadpool
Reynolds has been linked to a potential Deadpool solo movie for years, even before he debuted as the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Although it unclear that Ryan Reynolds will return as Deadpool, many fans want Ryan to take the role of Merc with a Mouth.

6. Deadpool is Live-Action Movie
Deadpool is Live-Action Movie
Even tough the footage is full CGI, but the movie itself is going to feature real actors on real sets with real props and of course, when it doesn't it'll feature little computerized assistance.

7. The Film Will Feature Other Marvel Characters Appearance
Deadpool vs Colossus
Comicbook.com are reporting that the original casting process included minor Marvel characters such as Wyre, Ajax, Sluggo and Garrison Kane, as well as the X-Men star Colossus. That being said, it's not hard to imagine the level of cameo being upgraded now that the film is receiving stronger studio backing.

Source: Moviepilot, Comicbook

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.